Welcome to Womack Nursery! We're a proud third generation family-owned business with over 80 years of experience. We welcome you to visit our family establishment and plant roots.
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Also called APPLE-PEAR because of their similar texture and shape. Trees produce at an early age. Ripens about August 15. Pollinate with Hosui. 450-500 Chill Hours.
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One of the highest quality pears that can be grown in the South, blight resistant, flesh almost free of grit cells. Needs pollinator. Pollinate with Kieffer. Ripens mid-August. 600 Chill...
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A medium to large Asian Pear. Juicy, sweet, fine grained flesh. Pollinate with 20th Century. Ripens early August. 300-400 Chill Hours.
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Large, late ripening (Sept. or Oct.). If allowed to fully ripen, this is a very fine pear. Can be wrapped and kept for a month or more. A favorite for...
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Bell shaped, creamy yellow fruit with slight blush. Medium soft flesh. Vigorous, upright growing tree bears consistently. Fire blight resistant. Requires pollinator. Pollinate with The Orient. Ripens July-August. 250-300 Chill...
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A 1960 U.S.D.A. introduction. Tree is a vigorous, upright grower and is resistant to fireblight. Fruit ripens in late August, has smooth texture, and is soft and juicy. A good...
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This pear comes recommended being almost blight proof. A good bearer and fruit of fine quality. Trees make vigorous growth. Large fruit. We have seen one of these pears weigh...
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Large yellow fruit blushed with red. Crisp flesh. Fine for canning, preserving and eating fresh. Good for deep South. Requires 150 or less hours of chilling. Fire blight resistant. Self-fruitful,...
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Grows in a pleasing round shape, has pretty spring blooms, and produce fruit abundantly. These apple-like pears are firm and crisp, less juicy than European pears, and delightfully sweet.
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Large, long necked light green dessert pear. Juicy, smooth flesh. Bright resistant. Ripens mid August. Self Fertile. 600 Chill Hours.