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Field Fresh Pecan Trees
Pecan varieties fall into either of the following categories and each variety is indicated as such:
(1) Indicates early pollen shedding, protandrous
(2) Indicates late pollen shedding, protogynous
We strive to supply our customers with trees which are freshly dug. Pecan roots are very susceptible to damage from drying out. Trees are carefully packed with moisture retaining material around the roots to maintain a damp condition while in transit.
Pecan trees are a perishable product. The "liveability" of field fresh pecan trees is much greater than trees which have been dug for weeks or months and are carelessly handled.
You will find us referring to western and eastern varieties in this catalog. Eastern varieties are resistant to leaf disease, thus are more able to grow in humid areas. These eastern varieties can be grown satisfactorily in the West. We do not recommend western varieties in the East because of leaf disease problems. For a rough boundary line for eastern and western varieties, draw a line from San Antonio through Ft. Worth to Tulsa.
(1) Indicates early pollen shedding, protandrous
(2) Indicates late pollen shedding, protogynous
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Burkett-Schley cross. Heavy yielding, good nut filling. Kernels are smooth and bright. This variety does well in our local area and in western plantings. *This is the most overlooked tree...
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Oblong, high-quality paper shell nut. High yield potential with excellent scab disease resistance. Pollinate with Choctaw, Kanza, Lakota, Nacono, Hopi and Wichita LIMITED SUPPLY Note: Pecan Trees cannot be shipped...
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Large, round nuts, fill out well and a good producer. Not adapted to south or East Texas. Western variety, very popular. One of the best tasting oily nuts, but unattractive...
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A small, football shaped nut with excellent kernel quality. This variety is becoming more and more popular each season in orchards and home plantings. The Caddo is protandrous in blooming...
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This pecan resulted as a cross of the Clark and Odom varieties. The Cheyenne bears heavy and early after planting. The nuts are medium size (55-60 nuts per pound) and...
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This variety is the result of a cross between the Mahan and Success varieties. This variety does well in practically all pecan growing areas. The nut is large and attractive,...
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Large nut, cracks easily. Moderate producer and bears early. Disease resistant. Popular eastern variety. The Desirable is protandrous in blooming. (Early pollen shedding) Note: Pecan Trees cannot be shipped to Arizona...
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The Hopi variety resulted from a cross made between Schley and McCulley. We have observed this variety for over 35 years in our orchard. It is usually the best quality...
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This variety has surpassed all other varieties two to one, the last few years. Kanza is very scab resistant, early maturing, and has very good tree structure characteristics. The only...
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A cross between Mahan and Major. Lakota is scab resistant and has a medium susceptibility to yellow and black aphids. Lakota is showing good production to the northern areas of...
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Released by the USDA-ARS in 2011. Lipan originated from a controlled cross of Cheyenne and Pawnee in Brownwood, Texas. Excellent scab disease resistance, with medium susceptibility to yellow and black...
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A cross of the Cheyenne and Sioux varieties. Eastern variety. The Nacono has very high nut quality, scab resistance, and excellent tree strength. Nuts are suitable for inshell or shelling...
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The Oconee is a Barton-Schley cross. Variety has good nut size (about 50 per pound), a 55% kernel and has good disease resistance. The Oconee is protandrous in blooming (early...
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A cross of Mohawk and Starking Hardy Giant. The nuts have very early maturity which makes the Pawnee an attractive variety for the shorter growing seasons. The nuts have matured...
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The largest pecan we have observed. One sample required only 20 nuts to make a pound. The tree has strong structure and large leaves. Appears to be scab resistant. These...
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A Schley-Carmichael cross. The Sioux kernel is considered the best in eye appeal, shape, taste and ease of shelling. Nuts are small, 60-80 per pound. The Sioux is protogynous in...
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A Cheyenne-Sioux cross. There are about 53 nuts/lb., kernel yield is about 56%. Kernels are cream to golden in color, and have wide, non trapping dorsal grooves. Early pollen shed....
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Long well shaped nuts with thin shells. Western is the number 1 commercial variety in West Texas and has shown yield over 7,000 lbs per acre in the El Paso...
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This is a cross between the Halbert and the Mahan varieties. This pecan has an abundance of dark green foliage and is a consistent bearer of heavy, high quality nuts....